Coming into the new year with a strategic re-focus on its legacy telecom offerings, AT&T wanted to reintroduce themselves into the market and create a connection with their social audience without pushing the hard sell. As we started thinking through ways the company has changed through the years, we couldn’t help but get in all of our nostalgic feels. We started pondering the ways Millennials have grown up in the age of the internet — and all specifically remember the ways AT&T’s offerings grew up alongside us: from our parent’s carphones, to $0.20-per-text conversations (sorry, Dad!), to hot pink flip phones and beyond. We were met with a sense of pride knowing that our generation was the last to not only survive, but thrive living life before the smartphone. Enter: “Ponder This” the first-ever fully scripted 9x16 made-for-social sitcom that set out to build brand affinity, drive engagement, educate, and bring some laughs along the way… live audience laughs, to be exact. The classic three wall set and nostalgic styling effected a visual break in format from AT&T’s previous content, making a splash and encouraging views - more than 1.5M of them, to be exact. Videos from the series generated 65k engagements, and content shared to influencer’s channels generated an additional 6M impressions.
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